Simple Steps to Leveraging Loyalty for Digital Transformation, brought to you by Annex Cloud
20th March 2023
Written by Annex Cloud
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Today’s consumers are more diverse—with more complex needs and preferences. But many industries are built for mass production, mass distribution and mass marketing. Loyalty can be the key to bridging that gap and leaning into a more personalized approach.
McKinsey & Company reports that 71% of consumers expect companies to personalize interactions, and 76% get frustrated when this doesn’t happen. That’s why nearly every brand has personalization at the top of their priority list, yet most are struggling to make it happen. Why? It requires a tremendous amount of data and the right technology to be able to collect, share, segment and gain insights from your customer data—and effectively use it to serve up unique, relevant experiences. And unfortunately, according to Forrester, 85% of retailers lack the right capabilities, human resources, technology and processes to improve the customer experience and monetize their data.
Annex Cloud recently launched an informative podcast series, Get Personal with Loyalty, to help brands fill in some of these blanks and learn from some of loyalty’s leading experts. Listen to Episode 1: Leveraging Loyalty for Your Digital Transformation, featuring Loyalty & Reward Co.’s CEO and Founder Philip Shelper. Phil has more than 13 years of experience in the loyalty industry, has consulted with 100s of brands, belongs to 100s of programs and researches loyalty psychology to understand the essential dynamics of successful programs.
Tune in to learn:
👉3 three key aspects of personalization
👉Key challenges to effectively collecting and leveraging data
👉Simple steps your brand can take to make loyalty more manageable and less scary
Click on the link to below to listen!