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LinkedIn Poll - Are Companies Doing Enough to Battle Climate Change?

31st July 2023

Written by Tom Peace


LinkedIn Poll - Are Companies Doing Enough to Battle Climate Change?

31st July 2023

Written by Tom Peace

We want to hear from our community and start a debate about each of our weekly insights.

This week we will be providing more insight on why companies should be implementing more green practices and asking our community "Are Companies Doing Enough to Battle Climate Change?" Please read the full insight below and follow the link to share your thoughts

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2 weeks ago we asked you all "Should companies prioritise green practices when creating loyalty programs and 73% of you agreed (27% said no). Now we want to examine IF programs are doing enough to battle climate change.

In recent weeks, we have had alarming headlines on the extreme weather that's been happening all over the globe. From the 4-7th of July, the earth has experienced its warmest days with locations all around the world experiencing deadly heat. With average global temperatures reaching 17 degrees Celsius.

The United Kingdom is also facing its wettest July in recorded history and Greece is experiencing over 50 wild fires a day, with no sign of the temperature dropping in the next couple of weeks.

All this news on the recent extreme weather begs the question if companies are doing their part to help the environment. Below we have mentioned a couple of examples on what loyalty programs could be implementing to assist with the fight on Climate Change.

Introduce green practices as your USP

Businesses can take this concept and run with it through the implementation of a sustainable loyalty rewards system, which will help you follow through on your environmental commitments and message.
If you have a USP, marketing and branding will be simpler, and you'll be able to separate out from your competitors who may not yet realise how crucial this method of operation may be. You may demonstrate that you're doing everything you can — and more — to be environmentally friendly by providing a rewards scheme that takes this into account.

Relate sustainability with your customer values

Companies will find that you can more easily align yourself with the principles of your target market if you can demonstrate that you are an environmentally friendly business through a variety of channels, including your customer rewards programme. This will increase your chances of attracting and retaining customers.

You may demonstrate your commitment to sustainability and attract customers by implementing a sustainable rewards programme that offers incentives for customers who recycle and reuse products or choose to buy in-store rather than having them delivered.

Please click on the link below to share your thoughts with the rest of the community.

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